Best Telecom NZ, Manage directory listing

Manage directory listing

Your listing status lets you choose the level of privacy that’s right for you. Find out about directory listing types and how to add or change your listing online, in the White Pages phone book and the 018 directory service.  Please get in touch and we will help you to update it.

Listing types

  • Confidential: This means no one can access your information. With confidential listings there is also the option to make your details available to emergency services only.
  • Unpublished: People can find your information by phoning 018 and referencing your name.
  • Published: This means your information is available to everyone online and in the phone book. Please be aware that if you choose to publish your information, anyone (including phone scammers) can use your directory listing to contact you.

Remember, any changes to your listing status won’t take full effect until the next round of White Pages is printed. But your online status will be updated within five working days.

Update your directory listing

You can update your listing status online at MySpark.

  1. Go to MySpark and sign in. Go to MySpark
  2. Select ‘Settings’ in the left-hand panel (you might need to scroll down).
  3. Under ‘Landline’ select ‘Directory listing’ – this will take you to your White Pages listing information.
  4. You’ll see your current listing status on the right-hand side. Select ‘Change’ just above it.
  5. Select the circle next to the listing status you want to choose.
  6. Select ‘Confirm’ and you’re all done.

Don’t have internet access or need help? We can do it for you. Please get in touch