3CX Annual Pricing

Pricing (USD)

3CX is priced as an annual licence/subscription which is based on the number of simultaneous calls required. As a rule of thumb, 1 sim. call per 3-4 extensions is sufficient, i.e. a company with 50 extensions would need a 16 sim. call licence. You can upgrade your subscription at any point in time by just paying the difference for the remaining period. If you prefer to buy a perpetual license and pay yearly maintenance, you can view pricing here.

Standard licenses are free for the first year, regardless of size. After the first year, you can purchase your annual subscription for the prices indicated below.

In response to Covid-19, 3CX is offering businesses the Standard license for free for the first 3 years, until the crisis has passed.

See how 3CX pricing compares to that of other vendors on our Price Comparison Page.

Support Conditions

Support for 3CX annual licence subscriptions is purchased separately and is available via a 3CX Partner or directly from 3CX on a per ticket basis. Support is available where supported hardware and services are in use. Review 3CX support procedure.

Terms and Conditions

FOB (End User) Internet excluding all taxes: All taxes such as royalty taxes, levies, duties, sales tax and VAT must be added to our prices and paid by the end users in their respective markets. Delivery of our software is done electronically and is activated by means of a license key.

What’s included in the annual subscription:


  • 3CX SMTP Service – receive missed call, voicemail and meeting notifications
  • Security updates
  • 3CX FQDN service
  • Auto renewal of Let’s encrypt SSL Certificate
  • Updates, notifications and use of the 3CX Smartphone Apps
  • PBX Upgrades and Updates – includes new features, fixes and interops.
  • IP Phone Firmware and Template Updates
  • CRM Updates and additions
  • VoIP Provider Templates Updates and additions
  • 3CX WebMeeting – Web conferencing features for all users
Some of the above functions may be accessible without active subscription. 3CX reserves the right to revoke any of them at any time without prior warning.